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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Why is love so painful?

Latifa, love is painful because it creates the way for bliss. Love is painful because it transforms; love is mutation. Each transformation is going to be painful because the old has to be left for the new. The old is familiar, secure, safe, the new is absolutely unknown. You will be moving in an uncharted ocean. You cannot use your mind with the new; with the old, the mind is skillful. The mind can function only with the old; with the new, the mind is utterly useless. 

Hence, fear arises, and leaving the old, comfortable, safe world, the world of convenience, pain arises. It is the same pain that the child feels when he comes out of the womb of the mother. It is the same pain that the bird feels when he comes out of the egg. It is the same pain that the bird will feel when he will try for the first time to be on the wing. The fear of the unknown, and the security of the known, the insecurity of the unknown, the unpredictability of the unknown, makes one very much frightened.

And because the transformation is going to be from the self towards a state of no-self, agony is very deep. But you Cannot have ecstasy without going through agony. If the gold wants to be purified, it has to pass through fire.
Love is fire.

It is because of the pain of love, millions of people live a loveless life. They too suffer, and their suffering is futile. To suffer in love is not to suffer in vain. To suffer in love is creative; it takes you to higher levels of consciousness. To suffer without love is utterly a waste; it leads you nowhere, it keeps you moving in the same vicious circle. 

The man who is without love is narcissistic, he is closed. He knows only himself. And how much can he know himself if he has not known the other, because only the other can function as a mirror? You will never know yourself without knowing the other. Love is very fundamental for self-knowledge too. The person who has not known the other in deep love, in intense passion, in utter ecstasy, will not be able to know who he is, because he will not have the mirror to see his own reflection. Relationship is a mirror, and the purer the love is, the higher the love is, the better the mirror, the cleaner the mirror. But the higher love needs that you should be open. The higher love needs you to be vulnerable. You have to drop your armor; that is painful. You have not to be constantly on guard.

You have to drop the calculating mind. You have to risk. You have to live dangerously. The other can hurt you; that is the fear in being vulnerable. The other can reject you; that is the fear in being in love.

The reflection that you will find in the other of your own self may be ugly; that is the anxiety. Avoid the mirror. But by avoiding the mirror you are not going to become beautiful. By avoiding the situation  you are not going to grow either. The challenge has to be taken.

The Secret 


Monday, May 30, 2016

जीवन के सारे गहरे अनुभव हृदय से होते हैं

मैं एक आदमी को देखा जो ग्यारह वर्षों से खड़ा हुआ है। उनका नाम ही खड़ेश्री बाबा हो गया है। मैंने पूछा, लेकिन इस आदमी पर क्या मुसीबत आ पड़ी? यह खड़ा क्यू हो गया? मेरे ड्राइवर एक सरदार जी थे, बड़े ज्ञानी थे। गाड़ी कम चलाते थे, जपुजी ज्यादा पढ़ते थे। बोले कि कुछ नहीं हुआ, इसकी पत्नी ने इससे कहां खड़े रहो और खुद किसी दूसरे पति के साथ भाग गयी। तब से यह बेचारा खड़ा है। अब कोई इसको बिठाए तो बैठे। धर्म धर्म है, उसका पालन तो करना ही पड़ता है। पत्नी किसी और को अभ्यास करवा रही होगी धर्म का, आध्यात्मिक का। यह बेचारा यही अभ्यास कर रहा है। खड़ा हुआ है। इमैन्युअल कांट के लिए मैं कोई आलोचना नहीं करता। लेकिन तुमसे मैं यह कहता हूं कि अगर तुम्हारे जीवन में कभी भी कोई प्रकाश की जरा सी भी किरण दिखाई पड़े, सुगंध की कोई जरा सी झोंक, तो वही दिशा है, वही मार्ग है। फिर हिम्मत करना, फिर रुकना मत। सोचने का काम बाद में कर लेंगे। और यह मेरा अनुभव है कि जो इस रास्ते पर बढ़े हैं, उन्होंने फिर सोचने की कोई जरूरत नहीं समझी। क्योंकि हर अनुभव और गहरा होता गया। हर अनुभव नयी छलांग, नयी चुनौती और नए परिवर्तन और नयी-नयी क्रांति पर ले जाता रहा।

तो जो तुम्हें हो रहा है, बिलकुल ठीक हो रहा है। सोचो मत। सोचने से रुक जाएगा। क्योंकि जीवन के सारे गहरे अनुभव हृदय से होते हैं, बुद्धि से नहीं होते। और सोचना बुद्धि से होता है। और बुद्धि और हृदय का कोई मेल नहीं बैठता तो बुद्धि तुम्हें पागल कहेगी कि यह क्या पागलपन है कि शरीर में झुरझुरी आ रही है। जाओ किसी डाक्टर को दिखाओ। यह क्या पागलपन है? कि अकेले बैठे-बैठे मुस्कुरा रहे हो। चलो, किसी मनोवैज्ञानिक को दिखा आओ। यह दुनिया बहुत अजीब है। यहां अगर तुम शांति से बैठकर कुछ भी नहीं कर रहे हो तो हर आदमी टोकेगा। क्यों जी, क्यों फिजूल बैठे हुए हो? शर्म नहीं आती? दुनिया मरी जा रही है और तुम बैठे हो। हजार काम करने को पड़े हैं और तुम बैठे हो। कोई जाकर एडोल्फ हिटलर को नहीं कहता कि तुम क्या कर रहे हो? छह करोड़ लोगों कि हत्या-लेकिन काम बड़ा कर रहा है। संख्या बड़ी है, सम्मान के योग्य है। अगर तुम बैठे-बैठे गुनगुना रहे हो तो लोग कहेंगे कि जिंदगी बरबाद कर रहे हो। जैसे कि उन्हें जिंदगी मिल गई। बीड़ी पीओ! दम मारो दम! बैठे-बैठे मुस्कुरा रहे हो। किसी ने देख लिया तो नाहक बदनामी होगी।

अंग्रेजी कहावत है, इट इज बैटर टू डू समथिंग दैन नथिंग। और मैं तुमसे यह कह रहा हूं, इट इज़ बैटर टू डू नथिंग। कोई चौबीस घंटे कुछ न करो, यह नहीं कह रहा हूं। रोटी तो कमानी होगी, कपड़े तो कमाने होंगे। लेकिन घंटा भर तो निकाल सकते हो, जब कि तुम मन को कह दो कि बस, अब तुम चुप हो जाओ। मगर मुझे घड़ीभर हृदय के साथ जी लेने दो। इतना मैं तुम्हें विश्वास दिलाता हूं कि मन के पास तेईस घंटे और हृदय के पास एक घंटा : जीत हृदय की होने वाली है।

कोपलें फिर फूट आई 


उपनिषद का अर्थ

गौतम बुद्ध के जीवन में यह घटना है। मौलुंकपुत्त, एक बहुत बड़ा दार्शनिक उन दिनों का, जिसके खुद हजारों शिष्य थे, अपने पांच सौ प्रतिष्ठित शिष्यों को लेकर गौतम बुद्ध से विवाद करने गया। उसने न मालूम कितने पंडितों को और कितने बड़े आचार्यों को पराजित किया था। उसने बुद्ध से निवेदन किया संवाद का। बुद्ध ने कहा, संवाद जरूर होगा लेकिन ठीक समय पर। संवाद तो तुम जीवन भर करते रहे। तुमने पाया क्या है? क्योंकि तुम गैर-स्थान पर, गैर-समय में संवाद का आमंत्रण करते हो। तुम्हें कोई अंदाज नहीं है जीवन की गहरी प्रक्रियाओं का। मैं राजी हूं। लेकिन शर्त है। दो साल मेरे चरणों में चुपचाप बैठे रहो। और जो होता है, देखते रहो। हजारों लोग आएंगे, और जाएंगे, दीक्षित होंगे, संन्यासी होंगे, रूपांतरित होंगे। एक शब्द भी तुम्हारे मुंह से मैं सुनना नहीं चाहता हूं। और यह भी चाहता हूं कि तुम भी उनके संबंध में कोई निर्णय न लेना। तुम सिर्फ चुपचाप मेरे पास बैठे रहना। और दो साल बाद ठीक समय पर मैं तुमसे पूछूंगा कि अब विवाद का समय आ गया है, अब तुम पूछ सकते हो।

यह जब बात हो रही थी तो बुद्ध का एक पुराना शिष्य महाकाश्यप वृक्ष के नीचे बैठा हुआ हंसने लगा। महाकाश्यप के संबंध में कोई ज्यादा उल्लेख नहीं है। बौद्ध-ग्रंथ में यह पहला उल्लेख है महाकाश्यप का, कि वह हंसने लगा। मौलुंकपुत्त ने कहा मैं समझ नहीं पाता कि आपका यह शिष्य हंस क्यों रहा है। मौलुंकपुत्त ने कहा, कि इसके पहले कि मैं चुप हो जाऊं कम से कम इतनी तो आज्ञा दें कि मैं जान लूं, अन्यथा दो साल तक कीड़े की तरह यह मेरे मस्तिष्क को खाता रहेगा कि क्यों यह आदमी हंस रहा था। और जब भी मैं देखूंगा–और यह यहीं बैठा रहता है। और यह भी हो सकता है, हमेशा जब यह मुझे देखे, मुस्कुराने लगे।

बुद्ध ने महाकाश्यप को आज्ञा दी कि तुम अपने हंसने का कारण कह दो, ताकि वह निश्चित हो जाए। महाकाश्यप ने कहा, मौलुंकपुत्त, अगर पूछना हो तो अभी पूछ लो। ऐसे ही एक दिन मैं भी आया था और दो साल इन चरणों में बैठकर खो गया। और दो साल बाद जब मुझसे बुद्ध ने कहा कि महाकाश्यप, कुछ पूछना है? तो भीतर कुछ, कोई प्रश्न, कोई शब्द, कोई जिज्ञासा, कुछ भी न था। यह आदमी बड़ा धोखेबाज है। यह मेरा गुरु है, लेकिन सच बात सच है। तुम्हें पूछना हो तो पूछ लो और न पूछना हो तो दो साल बैठे रहो।

और वही हुआ दो साल बाद। दो साल लंबा अरसा है। मौलुंकपुत्त तो भूल ही गया कि कब दिन आए और कब रातें आयीं। कब चांद उगे और कब चांद ढले। वर्ष आए और बीत गए, और एक दिन अचानक बुद्ध ने हिलाकर कहा कि दो साल पूरे हो गए। यही दिन था कि तुम आए थे। अब खड़े हो जाओ और पूछो। मौलुंकपुत्त उनके चरणों में गिर पड़ा और उसने कहा कि महाकाश्यप ने ठीक कहा था। मेरे भीतर पूछने को कुछ भी नहीं बचा। मैं इतना शून्य हो गया हूं और उस शून्यता की सत्ता ने इतना भर दिया है कि अब न कोई प्रश्न है, अब न कोई उत्तर है। सब एक सतत अमृत की वर्षा है। मत छेड़ो, मुझे मत सताओ। मुझे बस चुपचाप यहां चरणों में बैठा रहने दो।

सदगुरु के चरणों में बैठने के लिए हमने एक शब्द का उपयोग किया है: उपनिषद। उपनिषद का अर्थ होता है गुरु के चरणों में बैठना। न तो पूछना, न जिज्ञासा करना। लेकिन बैठे-बैठे पिघलते जाना, शून्य होते जाना।

वह कौन सी अज्ञात शक्ति है, जो हमें आपकी ओर खींचती है?

भद्रा पूछ रही है, वह कौन सी अज्ञात शक्ति है, जो हमें आपकी ओर खींचती है? वह वही अज्ञात शक्ति है, जो तुम्हारे भीतर है और मेरे भीतर है। न मैं उसका नाम जानता हूं, न तुम उसका नाम जानती हो, लेकिन मैं इतना जानता हूं कि वह अज्ञात है और बेनाम है। और तुम्हें अभी भी यह भ्रम है कि शायद किसी दिन तुम उसे पहचान लोगी, उसके नाम को जान लोगी। जिस दिन यह भ्रम टूट जाएगा, उस दिन तुम भी एक अपूर्व आकर्षण और चुंबक का केंद्र बन जाओगे। तुम्हारे भीतर भी वह कशिश होगी। तुम्हारे शब्दों में भी वही अधिकार होगा, क्योंकि तब तुम नहीं बोलते, तक तुम्हारा गीत तुम्हारा गीत नहीं है। तब तो तुम सिर्फ बांस की पोली पोंगरी हो। ओंठ किसी और के हैं और गीत किसी और का है। तुम्हारा धन्यभाग इतना कि तुम उस गीत को अपने भीतर से प्रवाहित होने देते हो। और यह प्रवाह इस जगत का सबसे बड़ा आनंद है। ज्ञान की खोज मत करो, आनंद की खोज करो। आनंद है जो तुम्हें खींचता है मेरी ओर। मेरा मिट जाना है जो खींचता है तुम्हें मेरी ओर। और मिट कर ही तुम आनंद को पा सकते हो।

हम सब नामों से चिपके हैं–झूठे नाम। पैदा हुए थे। तो साथ में न कोई आइडेंटिटी कार्ड था, न कोई नाम की छोटी सी स्लिप थी। अज्ञात तुम आए थे। नाम तो हमने चिपका दिए हैं। लेबल हैं जो हम पर लगा दिए हैं। और जिस दिन तुम जाओगे, उस दिन उन लेबलों को हम अलग कर लेंगे। क्योंकि फिर तुम अज्ञात में प्रवेश कर रहे हो। लेकिन इन दो अज्ञातों के बीच में भी जो था, वह भी अज्ञात था। नाम, प्रतिष्ठा, सम्मान, उपाधियां, वे सब चिपकायी हुई बातें थीं, जो सब उखड़ जाएगी।

मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि जगत को तीन हिस्सों में बांटा जा सकता है। ज्ञात, द नोन; अज्ञात, द अननोन; और अज्ञेय, द अननोएबल। जो आज ज्ञात है, कल अज्ञात था। जो आज अज्ञात है, शायद कल ज्ञात हो जाए। विज्ञान केवल दो कोटियां मानता है: ज्ञात की और अज्ञात की। विज्ञान सोचता है कि एक दिन आएगा, एक घड़ी आएगी–उनके हिसाब से शुभ की घड़ी, मेरे हिसाब से दुर्भाग्य का क्षण–जिस दिन सब अज्ञात ज्ञात में बदल जाएगी। उस दिन जीवन अर्थहीन होगा। उस दिन जीवन के पास न कोई नयी चुनौती होगी, न खोज के लिए कोई नया आयाम होगा। नहीं, यह घटना कभी नहीं घटेगी। क्योंकि एक और कोटि है अज्ञेय की: जो सदा अज्ञेय है। जो पहले भी अज्ञेय था, अब भी अज्ञेय है और कल भी अज्ञेय रहेगा। तुम वही हो: अननोएबल। और अपने को इस भांति पहचान लेना कि मेरे भीतर अज्ञेय का वास है, स्वयं को मंदिर में बदल लेना है। क्योंकि अज्ञेय ईश्वर का दूसरा नाम है। हम उसका रस तो पी सकते हैं। उपनिषद कहते हैं–रसो वे सः। हम उसका स्वाद तो ले सकते हैं, लेकिन उसकी व्याख्या, उसकी परिभाषा, उसे नाम नहीं दे सकते।

मैंने उस रस को चखा है। और तुम्हारे भीतर भी उस रस को चखने की जन्मों-जन्मों से प्यास है। वही प्यास तुम्हें खींच लाती है तुम्हारे बावजूद, क्योंकि खतरा है अज्ञेय में प्रवेश का। ज्ञात से तो आदमी संतुष्ट होता है: जानता है, पहचानता है। अज्ञात से भी इतना डर नहीं लगता, आज नहीं कल जान लेंगे। लेकिन अज्ञेय? वहां तो सिर्फ खो जाना है। इस अज्ञेय को हमने देकर बड़ी भूलें कीं। किसी ने ईश्वर कहा, किसी ने खुदा और किसी ने परमात्मा और किसी ने यहोवा। और हजार-हजार नाम हमने दिए, जो सब झूठे नाम हैं। हम उसे जानते ही नहीं, जान सकते भी नहीं; लेकिन जी सकते हैं, जी रहे हैं। वह हमारी सांस-सांस में है, हमारी आंखों की झलक-झलक में है

कोपलें फिर फूट आईं 


जगत एक रहस्य है

सुकरात का वचन है कि जब मैं युवा था तो सोचता था, बहुत कुछ जानता हूं। जैसे-जैसे उम्र बढ़ी, जानना भी बढ़ा। लेकिन एक अनूठी घटना भी साथ-साथ, कदम से कदम मिलाते हुए चली। जितना ज्यादा जानने लगा, उतना ही अनुभव होने लगा कि कितना कम जानता हूं। और अंततः जीवन की वह घड़ी भी आई, जब मेरे पास कहने को केवल एक शब्द था कि मैं सिर्फ इतना ही जानता हूं कि कुछ भी नहीं जानता। यह सुकरात के अंतिम वचनों मग से हैं। जीवन भर की यात्रा, ज्ञान की खोज, और परिणाम एक बच्चे का भोलापन: जिसे कुछ भी पता नहीं है।

यूनान में डेल्फी का मंदिर है। उन दिनों बहुत प्रसिद्ध था, अब तो सिर्फ उसके खंडहर बाकी हैं। डेल्फी के मंदिर की जो पुजारिन थी, वह रामकृष्ण जैसी रही होगी। कभी-कभी गीत गाते-गाते, नाचते-नाचते बेहोश हो कर गिर पड़ती थी। और उस बेहोशी में जो कहती थी, वह होशवालों को होश गुम कर देते। जब सुकरात ने यह वचन कहा था, उसके थोड़े ही दिन बाद डेल्फी की पुजारिन ने घोषणा की कि सुकरात दुनिया का सर्वश्रेष्ठ ज्ञानी है।

लोगों ने सुना, हैरानी में पड़े। सुकरात कहता है, मैं कुछ भी नहीं जानता, बस इतना ही जानता हूं। और डेल्फी की पुजारिन की बात कभी झूठ नहीं गई थी। और वह कहती है, सुकरात जगत का सबसे बड़ा महाज्ञानी है। वे लोग सुकरात के पास आए। सुकरात से निवेदन किया कि देवी की आविष्ट अवस्था में यह उदघोष हुआ है। सुकरात ने कहा, देवी बेहोश थी, मैं होश में हूं। मैं फिर कहता हूं कि मैं कुछ भी नहीं जानता हूं। देवी गलत हो सकती है, सुकरात गलत नहीं हो सकता। देवी मुझे बाहर से जानती है, मैं स्वयं को भीतर से जानता हूं। लौट जाओ और देवी को कहना कि तुम्हारी एक भविष्यवाणी गलत हो गई। कम से कम एक तो निश्चित ही गलत हो गई। लोग वापिस लौटकर देवी से कहे और देवी हंसी। उसने कहा, कहना सुकरात से कि मैंने तुम्हें महाज्ञानी इसीलिए तो कहा था कि तुमने जान लिया है कि जगत में सभी कुछ अज्ञात है और रहस्यमय है। मेरे वक्तव्य में और तुम्हारे वक्तव्य में कोई विरोध नहीं है।

हम जन्मते हैं, पता नहीं क्यों? कौन सी अज्ञात शक्ति हमें जीवन में लाती है। हम जीते भी हैं, पता नहीं क्यों! हम एक दिन मर भी जाते हैं और शायद यह चक्र अनंत बार घूम चुका है और हमें कोई भी पता नहीं कि क्यों?
यह प्रश्न भद्रा का है। चूंकि रोज मैं उसकी चोटी खींच रहा था कि भद्रा पूछ, भद्रा पूछ, बामुश्किल किसी तरह प्रश्न बनाकर ले आई है।

जगत एक रहस्य है, एक ऐसा शास्त्र जो पढ़ा नहीं जा सकता। और जो दावा करते हैं जानने का, उनसे बड़े अज्ञानी इस दुनिया में दूसरे नहीं हैं। और जिनकी समझ में यह आ जाता है कि हम एक अज्ञात, अपरिसीम, अव्याख्य शक्ति की तरंगें हैं–न जिनके प्रारंभ का कोई पता है, न जिनके अंत की कोई खबर है, वे ही थोड़े से लोग अपने भीतर अचानक पाते हैं, जैसे चुंबक बन गए हों।

कोपले फिर फुट आई 


Seeking the Perfect Master

A certain man decided that he would seek the perfect master. He read many books, visited sage after sage, listened, discussed and practiced, but he always found himself doubting or unsure. After twenty years he met a man whose every word and action corresponded with his idea of the totally realized man. 

The traveler lost no time. ”you,” he said, ”seem to me to be the perfect master. If you are, my journey is at an end.” ”i am, indeed, described by that name,” said the master. ”then, i beg of you, accept me as a disciple.”
”that,” said the master, ”i cannot do for while you may desire the perfect master, he, in turn, requires only the perfect pupil.”

The Master appears only when the disciple is ready. Never otherwise. In no other way. At no other point in life’s journey. The disciple has to be ready and ripe; only at that moment does the Master become visible. The disciple has to earn eyes, to earn ears, to create a heart, to feel. How can the sun appear if you are blind? The sun may appear but you will go on missing it.

Unless you have eyes, there is no beauty in the world. The flowers will bloom, but not for you. And stars will fill the sky with immense beauty, but not for you. Unless you have eyes, there is no beauty in the world.

If you don’t have love in the heart, you will not find the beloved. The basic requirement has to be fulfilled. Only love finds the beloved. Eyes find beauty. end the ears find music and melodies. But there are people, and they are many – the majority consists of those – who go on searching and seeking something out there without creating a corresponding receptivity in themselves. I have come across many seekers who are searching or a Master – not at all aware that the disciple is completely absent. The disciple is not there at all. How can you find a Master? The Master is not just an objective phenomenon THERE. First he has to be something interior in you. That’s what disciple hood is: a preparation, a thirst, a passionate desire, a great passion for truth. That is lacking. And then people go ON searching. And if they don’t find, it is not surprising. They are not going to find! They may come across MANY Masters, but they will go on missing.

How can you see the Master if you are not vulnerable to him? How can you see the Master if you don’t know even what it is to be a disciple? The beginning of the finding of a Master starts by being a disciple. The real seeker does not worry about the Master, where he is. His whole concern is how to create the disciple in himself, how to be a learner, open to reality; how to function from innocence, and how not to function from the state of knowledge.

If you function from the state of knowledge, you will find many teachers but never a Master. If you already know something, and you think that you know, then you will find other knowers, claimers, who are ahead of you. You will meet only the people whom YOU CAN MEET. You will meet people like you. A person who functions from the state of knowing that he has gathered will find many teachers and will learn many things – but will never find a Master. 

To find a Master you have to be a child. To find a Master you have to be utterly innocent, not knowing anything, the mind empty – full of passion for truth, but without any conclusions about it. This is the state of real learning. And then you need not even go anywhere: the Master will come to you.

The Perfect Master


Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Real India

[A new sannyasin agrees to do the groups Osho suggests, but says she would like to travel around
India first.]

I think the better course will be that first you be here and then travel... First groups. Then you will have a better vision to see the country; you will have a better attitude. Otherwise you can go traveling....Yes, you will see the same things – nothing much. In fact you will see a very, very poverty-stricken country, starving, and you will feel only miserable, nothing else. First go a little inwards, explore the inner country first, have something settled there, and then go. 

India has many mysteries, but one needs eyes to see them. Otherwise you will see the buildings, and in the west better buildings exist. You will see the roads, and the west has better roads. Everything you see, the west has it better. And you will simply feel cheated: for what are you going here and there, traveling in crowded trains and suffering a thousand and one things unnecessarily ?

Once you have a meditative eye you will see something which does not exist in the west. Then you have come to this country.... It is disappearing from here too; the west is too overpowering. It is always so: the gross is more powerful than the subtle. If you clash a flower against a rock it is the flower who is going to lose, not the rock. And there is a clash between the spiritual values and the materialist values, and of course the spiritual values are going to suffer they are suffering.

The East is no more east only fragments here and there. Somewhere you will find a few people who are still eastern and a few places that are still eastern and a few spaces where you can have a contact with the real India... otherwise India is a legend, a myth. it is just a poor reflection of the West. If you go right now you will find a poor reflection of the West, and of course, it is better to see the original than to see the reflection; the reflection is meaningless.

So first attain to a certain vision, a different kind of approach, a different way of looking at reality. And then I will tell you to go; then I will tell you where to go, because just traveling anywhere is of no meaning.

And the tourists go on going to places wherever guides lead them; they will take you to the tourist places. Mm mm, so just wait. Let me be your guide, and when you are ready I will tell you to go. You will be here for one year so there is no hurry, mm? First be here, get in tune with things here, get ready. Learn the language, the language of the heart, the language of intuition little glimpses. Then you will be able to go and I will tell you where to go. 

Yes, hidden somewhere still, the undercurrent exists but it is no more apparent, it is no more on the surface. It has gone underground – it had to go underground. On the surface it will be killed and destroyed. It cannot survive there; it can survive only in hiding. So I will send you to the places where it is hiding, the real India, and then something will be of meaning, significance, and it will help your transformation....

The No Book


Becoming Aware

If you make efforts to become aware, that awareness starts flowing towards you because the same attracts the same. If you are unconscious then the unconscious flows towards you because the same attracts the same. So just a small effort to become conscious and you will find more is happening than you are making effort for... and that’s where you start feeling god’s help, never otherwise. When you make a small effort and you see that the result is too much, more than the effort made, something plus, then for the first time you become aware that god is flowing towards you. Your effort brings something, but something more is happening for which you have not made any effort at all, that’s what is called grace. When the ultimate happens it is not mathematically proportionate to your efforts; your efforts are very tiny. You had asked only for a drop and the whole ocean pours into your being.

And one thing more about Buddha that will be helpful to you.... Buddha is the only enlightened person in the world who has not given any outer structure to be followed. He has given total freedom. He is not like Moses; he has no commandments. He never says, ’Do this, don’t do that.’ Those dos and don’ts may be good for school children but not for grown-up people. And the world has really grown up, hence Moses is losing his hold, seems out of date. Buddha is gaining a hold... seems to be very very relevant to the modern mind.

The No Book


The changing of other people through meditation...

If you are running to get something outside yourself, you have to be subservient to the mind. If you drop all ambitions and you are concerned more about your inner flowering; if you are more concerned about your inner juice so that it can flow and reach to others, more concerned about love, compassion, peace... then man will be meditative.

And you have asked how we can make meditation a great movement. Don’t be worried about making it a great movement because this is how the mind is very tricky. You will forget all about your meditation and you will be concerned about the movement how to make it big, how to make it worldwide, how to make many more people meditate. If they are not willing then force them to meditate. It has been done; the whole of history is the proof.

Mohammed founded a religion called Islam. ‘Islam’ means peace. And he wanted the whole world to be a peaceful place. But people are not willing to be peaceful  then cut their heads, a dead man at least is peaceful. A living man is a nuisance, you cannot rely on a living man he may be peaceful this moment, and the next moment he may do something troublesome. On Mohammed’s sword the words were written: Peace is my message. Now the message has to be written on the sword, and the message is peace, and people have to be forced to become peaceful at the point of a sword, that is, to become Mohammedans. A Mohammedan is a man of peace. 

Don’t be concerned about a movement, because your mind is so tricky, so slippery.... I have heard, one man and one woman were in love for years. And as expected, the woman was asking every day, sitting on Chowpati Beach.... Who else goes to sit there? She was constantly harassing the man: ”When are you going to marry me? We are getting old.” And the man said, ”Just look at the full moon.” It was just rising above the ocean. And the woman said, ”Shut up! Don’t change the subject. Whenever I bring up the real subject you always try to change the subject. The moon will remain there, we will discuss it later on. First, answer my question. When are we going to get married?” The mind is constantly trying to change the subject. Whenever you will be thinking of meditation, the mind will change the subject in such a way that you will not even be aware that the subject has been changed. The mind will start making a great movement of meditation, transforming the whole world and forgetting meditation itself. Because where is the time? – you are in a great revolution, changing the whole world. In fact, the mind is so cunning that it condemns those people who meditate. It says, ”They are selfish, just concerned about themselves. And the whole world is dying! People need peace, and people are in tension; people are living in hell and you are sitting silently in meditation. This is sheer selfishness.”

Mind is very cunning. You have to be very aware of it. Tell the mind, ”Don’t change the subject. First I have to meditate, because I cannot share that which I don’t have. I cannot share meditation with people, I cannot share love with people, I cannot share my joy with people, because I don’t have it. I am a beggar; I can only pretend to be an emperor.” But that pretension cannot last for a long time. Soon people start seeing that ”This man is just a hypocrite. He himself is tense, he himself is worried; he himself lives in pain and suffering and misery, and he is talking about creating the world as a paradise.” 

So for the second part of your question, I would like to say to you: forget about it. It is your mind which is trying to change the subject. First the marriage, marriage with YOURSELF... first the meditation, and then out of it the fragrance will come, out of it the light will come. Out of it, words which are not dead but alive, words which have authority in them will come. And they may help others, but that is not going to be your goal; it will be a byproduct.

The changing of other people through meditation is a byproduct, it is not a goal. You become a light unto yourself, and that will create the urge to become a light to many people who are thirsty. You become the example, and that example will bring the movement on its own accord.

The Osho Upnishad 


Mind thinks. Meditation knows.

This is a very fundamental reason why man cannot become meditative or why very few men have dared to become meditative. Our training is of the mind. Our education is for the mind. Our ambitions, our desires, can only be fulfilled by the mind. You can become president of a country, prime minister, not by being meditative but by cultivating a very cunning mind. The whole education is geared by your parents, by your society, so that you can fulfill your desires, your ambitions. You want to become somebody. Meditation can only make you a nobody. 

Who wants to become a nobody?

Everybody wants to go on higher on the ladder of ambitions. People sacrifice their whole life to become somebody. 

Alexander was coming to India. A madness had entered in his mind: he wanted to conquer the whole world. Everybody has a little bit of that kind of madness, but he had the whole chunk. And while he was coming towards India, passing the boundaries of Greece, somebody said to him, ”You have been asking many times about a mystic, a very strange man, Diogenes. He lives nearby. If you want to see him, it is a few minutes’ walk, just by the side of the river.” Diogenes was certainly a very strange kind of man. In fact, if you are a man you are going to be a strange kind of man, because you are going to be something unique. He lived naked... he was one of the most beautiful men possible. But he always used to have a lighted lamp in his hand day or night, it made no difference. Even in the day, in the full light of the sun, he was holding his lamp while walking on the streets. People used to laugh at him, and used to ask him, ”Why are you carrying this lamp, unnecessarily wasting the oil and becoming a laughingstock?” 

And Diogenes used to say, ”I have to keep it, because I am looking for the authentic, real man. I have not come across him yet. I come across people but they are all wearing masks, they are all hypocrites.”

He had a great sense of humor. To me, that is one of the most important qualities of a genuine religious man. While he was dying, he still kept his lamp by his side. Somebody asked Diogenes, ”You are dying. Let us know about the man you were searching for. Your life is ending; have you been successful in finding the authentic man?” 

He was almost on the verge of death, but he opened his eyes and said, ”No, I could not find the authentic man. But I am happy that nobody has stolen my lamp yet because all around there are thieves, criminals, all kinds of robbers, and I am a naked, unprotected man. This gives me great hope: my whole life I carried the lamp and nobody has stolen it yet. This gives me great hope that some day the man will be born whom I have been looking for; perhaps I have come too soon.” And he died.

So many stories about him Alexander had heard and had loved. He said, ”I would like to go.” It was early morning, the sun was rising. Diogenes was lying on the sand on the bank of the river taking a sunbath. Alexander felt a little awkward, because Diogenes was naked. He also felt embarrassed because this was the first time that somebody had continued to lie down in front of him . ”Perhaps  the man does not know who I am.”

So he said, ”Perhaps you are unaware of the person who has come to meet you.” Diogenes laughed. He also used to have a dog. That was his only companion. Asked why he had made a dog a friend, he said, ”Because I could not find a man worth making a friend.” He looked at the dog who was sitting by his side and said, ”Listen to what this stupid man is saying. He is saying I do not know who he is. The fact is, he himself does not know who he is. Now what to do with such idiots? You tell me.”

Shocked... but it was a fact. Still, Alexander tried to make some conversation. He bypassed the insult. He said, ”I am Alexander the Great.”

Diogenes said, ”My God.” And he looked at the dog and said, ”Did you listen?” that was his constant habit, to refer to the dog – ”Did you listen? This man thinks himself the greatest man in the world. And that is a sure sign of an inferiority complex. Only people who suffer from inferiority pretend to be great; the greater the inferiority the more they start projecting themselves higher, bigger, vaster.”

But he said to Alexander, ”What is the point of your coming to me? A poor man, a nobody, whose only possession is a lamp, whose only companion in this whole world is a dog, who lives naked.... For what have you come here?”

Alexander said, ”I have heard many stories about you, and now I can see that all those stories are bound to be real you are a man... certainly strange, but in a way immensely beautiful. I am just going to conquer the world, and I heard you are just residing here. I could not resist the temptation to come and see.”

Diogenes said, ”You have seen me. Now don’t waste time, because life is short and the world is big  you may die before you conquer it. And have you ever considered... if you succeed in conquering this world, what are you going to do next?  because there is no other world than this. You will look simply foolish. And can I ask you, why are you taking so much trouble conquering the world? 

You call me strange, who is just having a beautiful sunbath. And you don’t think yourself strange, stupidly strange, that you are on your way to conquer the world? For what? What will you do when you have conquered the world?”

Alexander said, ”I have never thought about it, to be frank with you. Perhaps I will relax and rest when I have conquered the world.” 

Diogenes turned to the dog and said, ”Do you listen? This man is mad. He is seeing me already resting, relaxing ,without conquering a thing! And he will relax when he has conquered the whole world.”

Alexander felt ashamed. There was truth, so clear, so crystal clear  if you want to rest and relax, you can rest and relax now. Why postpone it for tomorrow? And you are postponing it for an indefinite time. And meanwhile you will have to conquer the whole world, as if conquering the whole world is a necessary step in being relaxed and finding a restful life. 

Alexander said, ”I can understand... I am looking foolish before you. Can I do anything for you? I have really fallen in love with you. I have seen great kings, great generals, but I have never seen such a courageous man as you, who has not even moved, who has not even said ‘Good morning.’ Who has not bothered about me on the contrary, who goes on talking to his dog! I can do anything, because the whole world is in my hands. You just say, and I will do it for you.”

Diogenes said, ”Really? Then just do one thing: stand a little away from me, because you are blocking the sun. I am taking a sunbath, and you don’t understand even simple manners.”

Alexander remembered him continually. All through his journey up to India and back, that man haunted him  that he did not ask for anything. He could have given him the whole world just for the asking, but he asked only that Alexander move a little away because he was preventing the sun from reaching his body.

And as he was leaving, Diogenes had said, ”Just remember two things, as a gift from Diogenes: one, that nobody has ever conquered the world. Something always remains unconquered ; because the world is multi-dimensional; you cannot conquer it in all its dimensions in such a small life. Hence everybody who has gone to conquer the world has died frustrated.

”Secondly, you will never come back home. Because this is how ambition goes on leading you further and further: it goes on telling you, ‘Just a few miles more. A few miles more and you will be attaining the very ambition of your heart.’ And people go on chasing hallucinations, and life goes on slipping through their hands. Just remember these two things as gifts from a poor man, a nobody.” 

Alexander thanked him  although in the cool morning he was perspiring. That man was such...each thing he said would make you perspire even in the cold breeze on a cold morning, because he would hit exactly the wounds that you are hiding.

Alexander never could reach to being the conqueror of the whole world. He could not reach to the very end of India; he could not reach to Japan, to China, to Australia, and of course America was not known. He turned back from Punjab. He was only thirty-three, but the ambition and the continuous struggle to fulfill it had made him so tired and spent, like a used cartridge. He was only thirty-three, at the prime of his youth, but in his inner world he had become old and was ready to die. Somehow,perhaps in death, there would be rest.

And Diogenes’ shadow was always following him: ”You will not be able to conquer the world.” He turned back, and before reaching Athens, his capital just twenty-four hours more....

Sometimes small incidents become so symbolic and so meaningful. Just twenty-four hours more and he would have at least been back in his capital, in his home not in the real home that Diogenes was pointing at, but at least in the house which we all try to make a home.

The home is inside. Outside there are only houses. But he could not even reach the outside house. He died twenty-four hours before reaching Athens.A strange coincidence: the day Alexander died, Diogenes also died. In Greek mythology, like many other mythologies... In Indian mythology the same is the case: before entering the other world you have to pass through a river, the Vaitarani. In Greek mythology also you have to cross a river; that river is the boundary line of this world and that world.

Up to now, whatever I said is historical fact. But after the death of Diogenes and Alexander, this story became prevalent all over Greece. It is very significant. It cannot be historical, but it is very close to truth. It is not factual.

That’s how I make the difference between facts and truth: a thing may be factual, but still untrue; a thing may be non-factual, but still true. A story may be just a myth – not history, but of immense significance because it indicates towards truth. 

It is said that Diogenes died a few minutes after the death of Alexander. They met while crossing the river  Alexander was ahead, Diogenes was coming behind. Hearing the sound Alexander looked back. It was an even more embarrassing encounter than the first one, because at least at that time Alexander was not naked; this time he was also naked.

But people try to rationalize, try to hide their embarrassment. So just to hide his embarrassment he said, ”Hello, Diogenes. Perhaps this may be the first time in the whole history of existence that a great emperor and a naked beggar are crossing the river together.” 

Diogenes said, ”It is, but you are not clear about who is the emperor and who is the beggar. The emperor is behind the beggar. You wasted your life; still you are stubborn! Where is your empire? I have not lost anything because I had nothing, only that lamp. That too I had found by the side of the road  I don’t know to whom it belongs and by the side of the road I have left it. I had gone into the world naked, I am coming from the world naked.”

That’s what Kabir says in one of his songs Jyon ki tyon dhari dinhin chadariya. Kabira jatan se odhi chadariya – ”I have used the clothes of life with such care and such awareness that I have returned to God his gift exactly as it was given to me.”

The whole society your parents, your teachers, your leaders, your priests they all want you to become somebody special, Alexanders. But if you want to be meditative they will all be against you, because meditation means you are turning away from all ambitions

The Osho Upnishad


Being Receptive

There is a beautiful story.... A great king, Prasenjita, had come to see Gautama Buddha. And while they were conversing, just in the middle an old Buddhist sannyasin,he must have been seventy five years old – came to touch the feet of Gautama Buddha. He said, ”Please forgive me. I should not interrupt the dialogue that is going on between you two, but my time... I have to reach the other village before sunset. If I don’t start now I will not be able to reach there.” The Buddhist monks don’t travel at night. ”And I could not go without touching your feet because one knows nothing about tomorrow; whether I will be able again to touch your feet or not is uncertain. This may be the last time. So please, you both forgive me. I will not delay your conversation.” 

Gautama Buddha said, ”Just one question: How old are you?” Strange... out of context.

And the man said, ”I am not very old – just four years.”

King Prasenjita could not believe it  a seventy-five year old man cannot be four years old! He might be seventy, he might be eighty, there is no problem. It is difficult to judge; different people grow old at a different pace. But four years is too much! In four years nobody can grow to be seventy-five years old.
Buddha said, ”Go with my blessings.”

Prasenjita said, ”You have created a problem for me by asking an unnecessary question. Do you
think this man is four years old?”

Buddha said, ”Now I will explain it to you. It was not unnecessary, it was not without a proper context. It was for you that I was asking him really I was creating a question in you  because you were talking nonsense. You were asking stupid questions. I wanted some relevant question to come out of you.

”Now, this is relevant. Yes, he is four years old because our way of counting the age is from the day a person allows the master, allows his total being to be transformed, not holding back anything. His seventy-one years were simply a wastage; he has lived only four years. And I think you will understand that your sixty years have been sheer wastage unless you are reborn. And there is only one way to be reborn, and that is to come in contact, in deep communion with someone who has arrived. Then the real life begins.”

A mystery school teaches how to live. Its whole science is the art of living. Naturally it includes many things, because life is multi-dimensional. But you must understand the first step: being totally receptive, open.

Osho Upnishad 


To be insecure is to be alive.

A certain emperor once built himself a palace for his safety and protection. Emperors certainly live in greater fear than others because they have such great material wealth, there are many threats against their lives. They have riches, power, authority; it may be stolen at any time – and their fear is in proportion to their wealth. So, in the palace the emperor built, there was only one gate. There were no windows, no doors; there was no way for an enemy to gain entry.

The king of a nearby kingdom came especially to view the palace. He was very impressed; it was so safe and so well-guarded no enemy could possibly get in. There was only one door, and that was guarded by a carefully selected squad of sentries who had been especially chosen in order of seniority. After all, can a sentry really be trusted? One might be tempted to kill the emperor in the night. So they had been hand-picked according to seniority, and each guard had to keep a keen eye on his junior. The other monarch was so impressed he said, ”I shall also have such a palace built.”

A beggar sitting by the side of the road overheard the two rulers talking and began to laugh loudly. Quite startled, they turned to him. The beggar said, ”Pardon me, but there is just one thing you have overlooked. I have been sitting here begging, and I have watched this palace being built. There is only one flaw, but it might prove costly one day. If you take my advice you will go inside and stay there; then you will remove this one door and replace it with a wall instead. Then there will be no flaw, and no danger whatsoever.”

The emperor said, ”You fool! I understand what you are saying, but I would be as good as dead
inside there. The palace would be my tomb.” The beggar replied, ”It has already become a tomb. The grave is always the last door to remain open.”

We are all in the process of dying, and the degree to which we step up measures for our security is in direct proportion to the progress we make in digging our own graves. The reason you look so lifeless is because you have made so many arrangements for your safety. 

Life’s MANTRA is to live in insecurity. And, of course, living like this there is no safety. A stone is safe and a flower lives in danger  but a stone is dead and a flower is full of life! If a storm comes, the flower will fall but the stone will remain where it was. Mischievous children may come and pick the flower, but the stone will remain where it was. When the sun sets in the evening the flower will wither, but the stone will remain unaffected, will remain in its place. Would you prefer to be a stone simply because it is safe from such dangers? That is the condition you have chosen! You have become like stones. The flower is always in jeopardy. Love is a flower. And there is no greater flower, no more important flower in this world than love. There is also nothing that is in greater danger.

The Great Secret 


Friday, May 27, 2016

कामुकता - एक बिन तराशा हीरा

मैंने सुना है:

बरकोवित्व और माइकलसन जो केवल व्यापारिक साझीदार ही नहीं, बल्कि जीवन पर्यंत के लिए एक दूसरे के मित्र भी थे, उन दोनों ने आपस में करार किया उनमें से जो भी पहले मर जाएगा, वह वापस लौटकर दूसरे को यह बतायेगा कि स्वर्ग जैसा अनुभव होता क्या है।

छ: महीने बाद बरकोवित्व की मृत्यु हुई। वह संत जैसा बहुत नैतिक व्यक्ति था, एक कट्टर धार्मिक व्यक्ति, जिसने कभी भी कोई गलत कार्य कभी किया ही नहीं था, जो हमेशा सेक्स और वासना से भयभीत रहता था। माइकलसन ने अपने से अलग हुए अपने प्यारे पवित्र मित्र की ओर से कुछ ऐसे संकेत पाने की प्रतीक्षा की, जिससे वह अपने पृथ्वी पर लौटने को प्रकट करे। माइकलसन ने बरकोवित्व की ओर से संदेश पाने की आतुरता और बैचेनी से प्रतीक्षा करते हुए वह समय गुजारा। तब अपनी मृत्यु के एक वर्ष बाद बरकोवित्व ने माइकलसन को अपना संदेश दिया। रात काफी गुजर चुकी थी और माइकलसन अपने बिस्तरे पर लेटा हुआ था तभी बरकोवित्स की आवाज गूंजी : ” माइकलसन! माइकलसन!”

” क्या यह तुम बोल रहे हो बरकोवित्व?”

” हां! ”

” तुम कैसे हो? कहां से बोल रहे हो?”

” हम नाश्ता करते हैं, उसके बाद हम प्रेम करते हैं, फिर हम लंच लेते हैं उसके बाद हम फिर प्रेम करते हैं और तब डिनर लेने के बाद भी हम प्रेम करते हैं।’’

” क्या यह वही है स्वर्ग जैसा?” माइकलसन ने पूछा।

” स्वर्ग के बारे में कौन बता रहा है यह सब कुछ?” बरकोविल्ल ने कहा:  ” मैं तो बिस्कोनसिन में हूं और मैं एक सांड हूं।’’

याद रखें, यह सब कुछ उन लोगों के साथ घटता है, जो सेक्स का दमन करते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त कुछ और घट ही नहीं सकता क्योंकि पूरी दमित ऊर्जा एक बोझ बन जाती है, जो तुम्हें नीचे की ओर खींचती है। तुम अपने अस्तित्व के निम्न धरातल की ओर गतिशील होते हो। यदि प्रेम का जन्म वासना से हुआ है, तो तुम अपने अस्तित्व के उच्चतम तल की ओर उठना शुरू हो जाते हो।

इसलिए स्मरण रहे, तुम क्या बनना चाहते हो एक बुद्ध अथवा एक सांड यह सब कछ तुम्हीं पर निर्भर है। यदि तुम एक बुद्ध बनना चाहते हो, तो सेक्स से कभी भयभीत नहीं होना है। उसमें उतरो, उसे भली भांति जानो, उसके बारे में अधिक से अधिक सजग बनो। सावधान रहो, क्योंकि यह अत्यधिक मूल्यवान ऊर्जा है। इसे एक ध्यान बनाओ, और इसे रूपांतरित करो, धीमे  धीमे यही प्रेम बन जाती है।

 यह कच्चे माल की तरह है, खदान से निकले हीरे की तरह है, तुम्हें इसे काटना है, इस पर पालिश करनी है। तब यह अत्यधिक मूल्यवान बन जाता है। यदि कोई भी व्यक्ति तुम्हें बिना पालिश किया हुआ बिना तराशा, खदान से निकला हीरा देता है तो तुम उसे पहचान भी नहीं सकते कि वह एक हीरा हैं। यहां तक कि कोहिनूर भी खदान से निकलने पर कच्चे पदार्थ के रूप में बदशक्ल था। वासना ही वह कोहिनूर है, जिसे तराशकर उस पर पालिश की जानी है, यह बात भली भांति समझने जैसी है।



प्यारे ओशो! दो दिन पूर्व मैं आपके प्रवचन में पूरा समय सोता रहा और उसके समाप्त होने के समय आपका एक शब्द ” केवल अकेला एक मन ” सुनते हुए ही मैं जागा इसलिए अब मैं क्या करूं?

केवल एक मन के साथ जियो। यह संदेश इतना अधिक स्पष्ट कि इसमें पूछने जैसा है ही क्या? तुम्हारे ही अस्तित्व ने तुम्हें एक महान संदेश दे है।
कभी कभी ऐसा होता है कि गहरी नींद के बाद तुम अपने अस्तित्व के गहरे केन्द्र से संदेश पाते हो। सुबह उठते ही अपने मन में आने वाले पहले विचार को सुनने का प्रयास करो, क्योंकि नींद से जागते ही तुम अपने अस्तित्व के बहुत निकट होते हो। जागने के दो या तीन सेकिंड में इस बात की अधिक सम्भावना होती है कि तम अपने अस्तित्व की गहराई की कुछ झलक या संदेश पा सको। दो या तीन क्षणों के बाद ही तुम्हारा उसके साथ सम्बंध टूट जाता है। तुम फिर से इसी संसार में फेंक दिए जाते हो। लेकिन कभी कभी ऐसा भी होता है और ऐसा बहुत थोड़े से लोगों को ही होता है, कि मुझे सुनते ही वे सो जाते हैं। यहां भिन्न भिन्न तरह के व्यक्ति हैं।

उदाहरण के लिए ठीक अभी शीला गहरी नींद में है, लेकिन उसकी नींद वास्तव में बहुत सुंदर है, यह नींद न होकर एक तरह के परमानंद की स्थिति है। वह केवल परम विश्राम में है। मुझे गहरे में सुनते हुए वह तनावग्रस्त नहीं हो सकती थी। उसका सारा तनाव दूर हो गया, इसिलए वह विश्राम में चली गई अपने अस्तित्व की गहरी पर्त में वह विश्राम कर रही है। बाहर से देखने वाले सभी लोगों को वह गहरी नींद में सोती हुई दिखेगी। जब वह जागेगी तो वह स्वयं नहीं समझ पाएगी कि आखिर हुआ क्या, क्योंकि उसे भी वह नींद ही दिखाई देगी, यह नींद नहीं है यह विशिष्ट दशा है योग में हम इसे तंद्रा कहते हैं। यह जागृति और निद्रा के बिना स्वप्नों की मध्य की स्थिति है।

इसलिए गहरी निद्रा और जागरण के मध्य वहां दो तल होते हैं। यदि तुम दोनों के मध्य की स्थिति में हो, तो स्वप्न देखने की सामान्य दशा होती है, जब तुम सपने देखते हो।

या तो तुम जागे हुए हो, अथवा तुम गहरी नींद में हो, अथवा तुम स्वप्न देख रहे हो। और सपने, जागने और सोने के ठीक बीच में होते हैं। यह दोनों के बीच एक गलियारा है। सामान्य रूप से होता ही होता है।

लेकिन यदि तुम्हारा ध्यान गहराई तक जाता है, अथवा तुम्हारा प्रेम बहुत गहरे में जाता है, तो तुम्हारी चेतना में जो पहला परिवर्तन घटित होता है। वह मध्य की स्थिति में होता है और स्वप्न आना बंद हो जाता है। अब यह कहना बहुत कठिन है कि यह क्या है। तुम इसके बारे में यह सोच सकते हो कि यह निद्रा है अथवा यह जागृति है। यह दोनों जैसे साथ साथ हैं यह ठीक दोनों के बीच का संतुलन है, यह एक बहुत संतुलित दशा है।
तंद्रा पहली झलक है। यह सतोरी की शुरुआत है। सपने पहले मिटते हैं। तब अगले कदम में नींद भी मिट जाती है और तब तीसरे चरण में जिसे तुम जागृति कहते हो, वह भी चली जाती है। और जब यह तीनों चीजें विलुप्त हो जाती हैं, तब जो स्थिति उत्पन्न होती है उसी को हम वास्तविक जागरण कहते हैं। तब कोई भी बुद्धत्व को, या बोध को उपलब्ध होता है। तंद्रा पहला चरण है सपने विलुप्त हो रहे है।

इसलिए कभी कभी ऐसा होता है कि लोग यहां सो जाते हैं, वे परम आनंद और विश्राम की स्थिति में पहुंच जाते हैं। इस स्थिति को तंद्रा कहा जा सकता है। सभी व्यवहारिक कार्यों के लिए ये लोग सोये हुए हैं, ये लोग मेरे शब्दों को याद न रख सकेंगे। लेकिन जब वे वापस आते हैं, तब उन्हें यह स्मरण आएगा कि कोई चीज बहुत गहरे मौन में घटित हुई है किसी चीज का उनकी ऊर्जा में परिवर्तन हुआ है। यह बहुत गहरे विश्राम की स्थिति है। इसी गहन विश्राम की स्थिति में कोई संदेश मिलता सा लगता है, इसे बहुत सावधानी से सुनो।



पिंजरों से संबंध

एक बार मैं अपने मित्र के साथ ठहरा हुआ था। उसके बगीचे में एक बहुत बडा पिंजरा था, और उस पिंजरे में उसके पास एक गरुड़ था। वह मुझे पिंजरे के पास ले गया और कहा ’‘ देखिए! कितना सुंदर गरुड़ पक्षी है? गरुड वास्तव में बहुत सुंदर था, लेकिन मैंने उसके लिए हृदय में एक पीड़ा महसूस की।’’

मैंने अपने मित्र से कहा ’‘ यह असली गरुड़ पक्षी नहीं है।’’

उसने कहा ’‘ आखिर आपके कहने का मतलब क्या है? यह असली गरुड़ है। क्या आप गरुड़ पक्षी को पहचानते नहीं?”

मैंने कहा ’‘ मैं उन्हें भली भांति जानता हूं लेकिन मैंने उन्हें आकाश में स्तवंत्र हवा के विरुद्ध, ऊंचे स्वर्ग की ओर उड़ते हुए ही जाना है। जिन्हें मैंने जाना है वे लगभग इस संसार के जैसे थे ही नही, वे अपने भार का संतुलन साधे स्वतंत्र

मुक्ताकाश के गहरे प्रेम में जैसे बह रहे थे। मैंने उन्हें परम स्वतंत्रता से सिर्फ उड़ते ही देखा है। यह गरुड़ तो गरुड़ ही है नहीं। क्योंकि पिंजरे में बंद गरुड़ के पास खुला आकाश कहां है और बिना स्वर्ग जैसी ऊंचाइयों पर बिना संतुलन साधे स्वतंत्रता से हवा में उड़ता हुआ यदि गरुड़ न हो, तो वह असली गरुड़ होता ही नहीं। उसकी वह पृष्ठभूमि कहां है पिंजरे में मैं कहता हूं कि यह उसकी आकृति भर है।’’

पिंजरे में बंद गरुड़ का असलीपन तो नष्ट हो गया। तुम पिंजरे में असली गरुड़ को कैद कर ही नहीं सकते, क्योंकि असली गरुड़ तो अत्यधिक स्वतंत्रता के साथ रहता है। इस पिंजरे में वह स्वतंत्रता कहां है? इसकी आत्मा तो जैसे है ही नहीं। सारभूत अस्तित्व तो लुप्त हो गया, जो यहां रह गया वह तो असार है। यह तो जैसे एक मृत गरुड़ है मृत गरुड़ से भी कहीं अधिक मृत और असहाय। इसे पिंजरे से मुक्त करने इसे सच्चा गरुड़ बनने का अवसर दो।’’

जब मैं तुमसे बातचीत करता हूं तो मेरे शब्द गरुड़ के पिंजरे जैसे हैं, मेरे शब्द जैसे एक कैद में हैं। यदि तुम वास्तव में मुझे सुनते हो, तुम शब्दों के पिंजरे में से उसके सारभूत असली गरुड़ को मुक्त कर दोगे।

यह जो घट रहा है…… .यह रोमांच। तुम्हें स्वतंत्रता मिल रही है, तुम गरुड़ बनकर ऊंचे और ऊंचे चेतना के शिखर पर पहुंचो। तुमने पृथ्वी बहुत दूर छोड़ दी है। तुम उसके बारे में सब कुछ भूल चुके हो। जो साधारण था, वह पीछे छूट गया। खोल या पिंजरा छोड़ दिया तुमने और अब पूरा आकाश तुम्हारे सामने खुला है, तुम, तुम्हारे पंख और यह आकाश……. और इसका कोई अंत ही नही है। अब तो शाश्वत यात्रा हो चुकी है।

शब्दों और उनके अर्थों के बारे में सब कुछ भूल ही जाओ, अन्यथा पिंजरे से तुम्हारा सम्बंध अधिक रहेगा और तुम स्वयं अपने ही अंदर उस गरुड़ को मुक्त करने में समर्थ न हो सकोगे।



परमात्मा का उपहार

जीवन पर हमारा कोई दावा नहीं है। क्या तुमने कभी इस बात पर गौर किया है कि हमारे पास दावा करने जैसा कुछ है ही नहीं। यदि हम थे ही नहीं, तो न तो हमारे वहां होने का ही कुछ उपाय होता और न किसी तरह की अपील करने का कोई रास्ता होता। उसके विरुद्ध शिकायत करने का भी कोई उपाय न होता। यदि तुम दो ही नहीं, तो तुम नहीं हो। अगले ही क्षण तुम विलुप्त हो सकते हो। जीवन बहुत नाजुक है, और बिना किसी दावे का है। हमने इसे अर्जित नहीं किया है। जब हम कहते हैं कि यह एक उपहार है, तो यही इसका अर्थ है। उपहार कुछ इस तरह की चीज होता है, जिसे तुम अर्जित नहीं करते और इसीलिए तुम्हारा उस पर कोई अधिकार नहीं होता। तुम यह नहीं कह सकते कि उसे पाने का तुम्हें कोई अधिकार है। एक उपहार तो कुछ ऐसी चीज है, जो तुम्हें दी गई है।

जीवन एक उपहार है। वह तुम्हें बिना किसी कारण दिया गया है। तुम उसे अर्जित नहीं कर सकते थे क्योंकि तुम थे ही नहीं, तो तुम अर्जित करते कैसे? जीवन एक उपहार है, लेकिन हम इसे भूले चले जाते हैं। और हम उसके प्रति धन्यवाद तक प्रकट नहीं करते। हम उसके प्रति कृतज्ञ भी नहीं होते। निश्चित रूप से हम एक हजार एक शिकायतें करते हैं, जिनके बाबत हम यह सोचते हैं कि हम जीवन में उन्हें चूके जा रहे हैं, लेकिन हम कभी भी स्वयं जीवन के प्रति अहोभाव का अनुभव नहीं करते।

तुम्हें यह शिकायत हो सकती है कि तुम्हारा घर अच्छा नहीं है बरसात आ गई है और वह टपक रहा है। तुम्हें शिकायत हो सकती है कि तुम्हारा वेतन पर्याप्त नहीं है। तुम्हें शिकायत हो सकती है कि तुम्हारे पास एक सुंदर शरीर नहीं है। तुम शिकायत कर सकते हो कि तुम्हारे साथ ऐसा या वैसा क्यों नहीं हो रहा? तुम्हारी एक हजार एक शिकायतें हो सकती हैं। लेकिन क्या कभी तुमने इस बात पर ध्यान दिया है कि तुम्हारे पूरे जीवन की सभी संभावनाएं कि तुम ठीक से सास ले सकते हो, देख, सुन और समझ सकते हो, स्पर्श कर सकते हो, प्रेम कर सकते हो और प्रेम पा सकते हो, क्या यह सब कुछ बहुत बड़ा उपहार नहीं है? यह सब कुछ तुम्हें दिया गया है, क्योंकि परमात्मा के द्वारा बहुत कुछ तुम्हें दिया गया है, क्योंकि परमात्मा के पास बहुत कुछ देने को है, यह इस कारण नहीं है कि तुमने इसे अर्जित किया है।

प्रेम योग 


प्रधान लामा के चुनाव की विधि:

तिब्‍बत में लामा जो है, पिछला लामा जो मरता है, वह बताकर जाता है कि अगला मैं किस घर में जन्‍म लुंगा। और तुम मुझे कैसे पहचान सकोगे। उसके सिंबल (प्रतीक) दे जाता है। फिर उसकी खोज होती है। पूरे मुल्क में कि वह बच्‍चा अब कहां है। वह राज़ सिवाय उस आदमी के कोई बता नहीं सकता,जो बता गया था। तो यह जो लामा है। ऐसे ही खोजा गया। पिछला लामा कहकर गया था। इस बच्‍चे की खोज बहुत दिन करनी पड़ी। लेकिन आखिर वह बच्‍चा मिल गया। क्‍योंकि एक खास सूत्र था। जो कि हर गांव में जाकर चिल्‍लाया जायेगा। और जो बच्‍चा उसका अर्थ बता दे, वह समझ लिया जायेगा। कि वह पुराने लामा की आत्‍मा उसमें प्रवेश कर गयी; क्‍योंकि उसका अर्थ तो और किसी को पता ही नहीं था। वह ता बहुत सीक्रेट (गुप्‍त) मामला है।

तो चौथे शरीर के आदमी की पूरी क्‍यूरियोसिटि (जिज्ञासा) अगल थी। और अनंत है यह जगत। और अनंत है उसके राज, और अनंत है इसके रहस्‍य। अब ये जो लामा है इन्‍होंने पाँच में से चार प्रश्न के उत्‍तर ठीक दीये है। अब चार के उत्‍तर कोई इत्तफाक थोड़ ही हो सकता है। पांचवें का उत्‍तर वे सही न दे सके। पर पाँच उत्‍तर सही देने वाला पूरे तिब्‍बत में कहीं नहीं मिला। अब तो वहां सब चीन, और यूरोप के लोगों ने जा कर खत्‍म कर दिया। वरना तो तिब्‍बत का आदमी तिब्बत से बहार जन्‍म ले ही नहीं सकता था। हम ऐसा नहीं कर सकते। क्‍योंकि चेतना की गति तो प्रकाश की गति से भी तेज है। वह तो पल में कहां से कहा चली जाती है।

अभी जितनी साइंस को हमने जन्‍म दिया है। भविष्‍य में यही साइंस रहेगी, यह मत सोची ये, और नयी हजार साइंस पैदा हो जायेगी। क्‍योंकि और हजार आयाम है जानने के। और जब वह नहीं साइंसेस पैदा होंगी। तब वे कहेगी कि पुराने लोग वैज्ञानिक न रहे, वह यह क्‍यों नहीं बता पाये। नहीं हम कहेंगे; पुराने लोग भी वैज्ञानिक थे। उनकी जिज्ञासा ओर थी। जिज्ञासा का इतना फर्क है कि जिसका कोई हिसाब नहीं।

जिन खोज तिन पाईया 


The Divine Power

The man of meditation does not become powerful: he becomes silent, he becomes peaceful. Power is created out of conflict; all power is out of friction. Out of friction comes electricity. You can create electricity out of water: when the river falls from a mountainside there is friction between the river and the rocks, and the friction creates energy. That's why people who are seeking power are always fighting. Fight creates energy. It is always through friction that energy is created, power is created. The world goes into war again and again because the world is too dominated by the idea of power. You cannot be powerful without fighting.

Meditation brings peace. Peace has its own power, but that is an altogether different phenomenon. The power that is created out of friction is violent, aggressive, male. The power
-- I am using the word because there is no other word -- the power that comes out of peace, is
feminine. It has a grace to it. It is passive power, it is receptivity, it is openness. It is not out of
friction; that's why it is not violent.

Buddha is powerful, powerful in his peace, in his silence. He is as powerful as a roseflower, he's not powerful like an atom bomb. He's as powerful as the smile of a child... very fragile, very vulnerable; but he's not as powerful as a sword. He is powerful, as a small earthen lamp, the small flame burning bright in the dark night. It is a totally different dimension of power. This power is what we call divine power. It is out of non-friction.

The Heart Sutra 


What is meditation?

......because this whole Heart Sutra is about the innermost core of meditation. Let us go into it.

The first thing: meditation is not concentration. In concentration there is a self concentrating and there is an object being concentrated upon. There is duality. In meditation there is nobody inside and nothing outside. It is not concentration. There is no division between the in and the out. The in goes on flowing into the out, the out goes on flowing into the in. The demarcation, the boundary, the border, no longer exists. The in is out, the out is in; it is a non dual consciousness.

Concentration is a dual consciousness: that's why concentration creates tiredness; that's why when you concentrate you feel exhausted. And you cannot concentrate for twenty-four hours, you will have to take holidays to rest. Concentration can never become your nature. Meditation does not tire, meditation does not exhaust you. Meditation can become a twenty-four hour thing -- day in, day out, year in, year out. It can become eternity. It is relaxation itself.

Concentration is an act, a willed act. Meditation is a state of no will, a state of inaction. It is relaxation. One has simply dropped into one's own being, and that being is the same as the being of all. In concentration there is a plan, a projection, an idea. In concentration the mind functions out of a conclusion: you are doing something. Concentration comes out of the past. In meditation there is no conclusion behind it. You are not doing anything in particular, you are simply being. It has no past to it, it is uncontaminated by the past. It has no future to it, it is pure of all future. It is what Lao Tzu has called wei-wu-wei, action through inaction. 

This is what Zen masters have been saying: Sitting silently doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Remember, 'by itself' -- nothing is being done. You are not pulling the grass upwards; the spring comes and the grass grows by itself. That state -- when you allow life to go on its own way, when you don't want to direct it, when you don't want to give any control to it, when you are not manipulating, when you are not enforcing any discipline on it -- that state of pure undisciplined spontaneity, is what meditation is. 

Meditation is in the present, pure present. Meditation is immediacy. You cannot meditate, but you can be in meditation; you cannot be in concentration, but you can concentrate. Concentration is human, meditation is divine.

 Heart Sutra


"What is truth?"

When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" Jesus remained silent. Not only that, the story says that when Pontius Pilate asked the question, "What is truth?" he did not wait to listen for the answer. He left the room and went away. This is very strange. Pontius Pilate also thinks that there cannot be an answer for it, so he didn't wait for the answer. Jesus remained silent because he also knows it cannot be answered.

But these two understandings are not the same, because these two persons are diametrically opposite. Pontius Pilate thinks that it cannot be answered because there is no truth; how can you answer it? That is the logical mind, the Roman mind. Jesus remains silent not because there is no truth, but because the truth is so vast, it is not definable. The truth is so huge, enormous, it cannot be confined in a word, it cannot be reduced to language. It is there. One can be it, but one cannot say it.

For two different reasons they behaved almost in the same way: Pontius didn't wait to hear the answer, he knew already that there is no truth. Jesus remains silent because he knows truth, and knows that it could not be said. Chidvilas has asked this question. The question is absolutely significant. There is no question higher than that, because there is no religion higher than truth. It has to be understood; the question has to be analyzed. Analyzing the question, trying to understand the question itself, you may have an insight into what truth is. I will not answer it, I cannot answer it; nobody can answer it. But we can go deep into the question. Going deep into the question, the question will start disappearing. When the question has disappeared you will find the answer there at the very core of your heart: you are truth, so how can you miss it? Maybe you have forgotten about it, maybe you have lost track of it, maybe you have forgotten how to enter into your own being, into your own truth.

Truth is not an hypothesis, truth is not a dogma. Truth is neither Hindu nor Christian nor Mohammedan. Truth is neither mine nor yours. Truth belongs to nobody, but everybody belongs to truth. Truth means that which is: that is exactly the meaning of the word. It comes from a Latin root, verus. Verus means: that which is. In English there are a few words which are derivations of the Latin root verus: was, were -- they come from verus. In German, war --that comes from verus. Verus means that which is, uninterpreted. Once the interpretation comes in, then what you know is reality, not truth. That is the difference between truth and reality. Reality is truth interpreted.

So the moment you answer the question, "What is truth?" it becomes reality; it is no longer truth. Interpretation has entered into it, the mind has colored it. And realities are as many as there are minds; there are multi-realities. Truth is one because truth is known only when the mind is not there. It is mind that keeps you separate from me, separate from others, separate from existence. If you look through the mind, then the mind will give you a picture of truth. That will be only a picture, a photograph of that which is. And of course, the photograph  depends on the camera, on the film used, on the chemicals, on how it has been developed,how it has been printed, who has done it. A thousand and one other things enter in; it becomes reality.
The Heart Sutra


The way of the mystic

I am reminded of a beautiful story. Of course it cannot be true, but it is so significant that whether it can be true or not, I don’t care.

A Chinese emperor called all the painters of his empire, which was one of the greatest empires in the world. He himself was in deep love with painting and he asked the painters, ”I want to declare one of you the master painter of my empire. You are going to be my guest and you have to paint. I will come to see your paintings and whichever painting proves to be the best, the painter will become part of my royal court and the master painter of the whole empire with many rewards.”

Thousands of painters participated in this competition. One old painter said to the king, ”It will take at least three years for me to complete the painting, and I a have few conditions. While I am making the painting, nobody should enter into my house. I don’t want anybody to see the incomplete painting.

When the painting is complete, I will invite you.”
The king said, ”Three years? this is too much.”

The painter said, ”Then I can get out of the competition. Three years is nothing. You don’t know
what I am going to paint.”

Reluctantly the emperor agreed. All the other painters finished their work, somebody in one week, somebody in two weeks, at the most four weeks. But the king was not satisfied. He was waiting for the old man because without seeing his painting he cannot declare his judgment.

After three years the old man came and asked the emperor, ”Now the painting is complete, you are welcome.” He was painting in the king’s palace itself. He had been given a beautiful palace which was guarded twenty-four hours a day so that nobody should enter for three years. Let the painter do his work unhindered, uninterested with.

The emperor was waiting for three years. It is a long time and he was old and he was afraid that
perhaps death may come before then. But fortunately he was still alive. With great wonder in his
heart he entered the palace where the painter had done his work. He had painted on a whole wall of the palace, a beautiful forest with a small river flowing, and a small footpath going into the deep forest and disappearing into the mountains that he had painted.

The king could not believe his eyes. It was almost miraculous magical. He was in awe. After a
long silence he asked the painter only one question: ”I am very much interested in this little footpath that goes around the forest, is seen sometimes around the mountains and then disappears. Where does it go?”

The painter said, ”There is no other way to know unless you walk on it.”

The king completely forgot that it was only a painting. He was so overwhelmed by the beauty that he took the hand of the painter in his hand and they both walked on the path and disappeared into the mountains. They have not returned yet.

This is the way of the mystic.

He disappears into existence not to return.

The scientist remains always an outsider, speculating, dissecting, analyzing, but he is not part of what he is doing. He is just a neutral objective observer.

Satyam Shivam Sundaram


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