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Thursday, June 2, 2016

I am bored! What should I do?

People come to me and they say, ”I am bored! What should I do?” And they are doing everything to get bored, and they are thinking that boredom is happening from somewhere else. Now, you are living with a woman you don’t love any more, but your scriptures say: once you have promised, you have to fulfill the promise – be a man of promise! Once you are committed you have to fulfill the commitment. Now, if you are bored, nothing is surprising. Love has disappeared!

It is as if you are forced to eat the same thing every day: how long will you be able to enjoy it? You may have enjoyed it on the first day; yes, the second day; the third day – but then it will start getting on your nerves. Then for ever and ever..... then you will start getting bored. And because man is bored he invents a thousand and one ways to distract his mind: sits glued to the chair before the TV for six hours – what stupidity! Or goes to the movie, or listens to the radio, or reads the newspaper, or goes to clubs where bored people just like you gather together. Somehow one is trying to distract oneself from the boredom that has happened out of the relationship.

Try to understand....

Tantra says: Be a bee – be free! Tantra is not saying that if you love a woman then don’t be together with her – be together with her! – but the commitment is towards love, not towards the woman; the commitment is towards love, not towards the man. This is a BASIC difference: you are committed to love! you are committed to happiness! When love is disappearing, when happiness is gone, then say thank you and move.

And such should be the case with everything in your life. If you are a doctor and you are bored with your job, then you should be capable of dropping it any moment – whatsoever the cost. With risk, life becomes adventure. But you think, ”Now I am forty, forty-five, and how can I drop out of the job? And it is going very well financially... ” but spiritually, psychologically, you are dying! You are slowly committing suicide. Then it is perfectly okay: if you want to destroy yourself and save the bank-balance, then it is perfectly okay. But the moment you feel that the job is no more a satisfying job, DROP out of it! This is the Tantra revolution. The moment you see that something is no more appealing, has lost the quality of allurement, of enchantment, is no more magnetic, then don’t cling to it, then say, ”I am sorry.” Then feel grateful for the past, for all that has happened through the person, through the job, through anything! but remain open in the future. This is the meaning of being a bee.

The Tantra Vision


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