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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Conversation with desciples of Maharshi Mahesh Yogi

Osho: No, there is no question of good purpose or bad purpose. Mind constantly deludes you.

Question: Maybe we can give it something very engaging, so beautiful that it will engage the mind to something that is the most beautiful of all.

Osho: It may be beautiful, it may be good, but an occupied mind cannot transcend itself.

Question: But if there is something more beautiful that what the mind is occupied with then it will throw off what is is not...

Osho: Your mind or my mind cannot conceive something beyond it. The beauty must be below the mind. If something beyond is to be conceived, the mind must cease to be.

Question: Yes. But what i am saying is you talk of how the mind constantly is engaged. Now I am saying that isn't it possible that we can give the mind...

Osho: Who can give? The mind gives itself....

Question: ...A thought that is so beautiful to the mind that...

Osho: You are giving it!

Questioner: No, No, I’m not.

Osho: And you are thinking it is so beautiful.

Questioner: No, No, No.

Osho: That is your mind giving it.

Questioner: No, I am not thinking it is so beautiful. The mind likes enjoyment, Yes?

Osho: Yes.

QUESTION: Fine, Now, If the mind likes enjoyment, It will naturally be enjoyed with thoughts, Now is is possible that there is one thought that can be in the mind that is so beautiful it will keep the mind entertained until it finds something that is ultimate beauty - namely Bliss, The Self? is that possible?

Osho: It is not possible. (Laughter)

Questioner: Why?

Osho: It is not possible because mind likes enjoyment, that is right. Why does it like enjoyment? To forget itself. It likes enjoyment to be occupied, to be engaged, to forget oneself. A mind which is constantly trying to forget oneself is a mind which is constantly seeking some type of hypnosis, some type of unconsciousness. A mind which dreams or which is engaged in puja, in ceremony, in bhajan, in prayer, is a mind which is constantly escaping from oneself. and the mind which is escaping from oneself cannot know oneself; because to know oneself one has to cut this constant escapement. A thing may be beautiful; you may project beauty on it; but you are projecting it. There is nothing like beauty or ugliness; that division is made by our own projections. There is nothing beautiful, there is nothing ugly. Things are, they exist in themselves. Without our projections they are, simply they are. 

There is nothing beautiful, nothing ugly. But you can project, and escape from yourself. And we are always thinking how to escape from ourselves. It has become so burden-some to be oneself, it has become so ugly, it has become so tense to be oneself. We are – in love, in beauty, in films, in wine, in meditation even – we are escaping from ourselves. That is to be understood: why are you escaping from yourself? And you cannot come to you through any escape from you.

The active must cease. The constant seeking for pleasure, for enjoyment, must cease to be oneself, to know oneself, to know who you are. 

Early Talks of Osho

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