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Friday, June 10, 2016

If you are in order, then the whole world is in order for you

I have heard a very beautiful story, a very ancient one.

In a province, no rain had fallen for a long time. Everything was dried up. At last the citizens decided to fetch the rainmaker. A deputation was sent to see him in the distant town where he lived with the urgent request to come as soon as possible and make rain for their parched fields. The rainmaker, a wise old man, promised to do so on condition that he be provided with a solitary little cottage in the open country where he could withdraw by himself for three days. No food or drink would be required, then he would see what could be done. His requests were met. On the evening of the third day abundant rain fell and, full of.praise, a grateful crowd made a pilgrimage to his house and exclaimed ’How did you do it? Tell us.’

’It was quite simple’ the rainmaker answered. ’For three days all I have done is to put myself in order. For I know that once I am in order, then the world will be in order, and the drought must yield place to the rain.’

Tantra says: If you are in order, then the whole world is in order for you. When you are in harmony, then the whole existence is in harmony for you. When you are in disorder, then the whole world is disorder. And the order has not to be a false one, it has not to be a forced one. When you force some order upon yourself, you simply become split; deep down the disorder continues.

You can observe it: if you are an angry person, you can force your anger, you can repress it deep down in the unconscious, but it is not going to disappear. Maybe you become completely unaware of it, but it is there  and you know that it is there. It is running underneath you, it is in the dark basement of your being, but it is there. On top of it you can sit smiling, but you know it can erupt at any moment. And your smile cannot be very deep, and your smile cannot be true, and your smile will be just an effort that you will be making against yourself.

The Tantra Vision 


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