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Friday, June 24, 2016

A visitor: I’m not sure if I want to take sannyas or not because I’m not sure exactly what it means.

[I'm not sure whether I can surrender because it would be putting you before Christ. And I know you speak much about Christ so I really don’t know yet how I feel.]

Mm, I understand. If you understand Christ there is no problem. You can put him at the back. If you understand him, you will understand me and you can put me in front; there is no problem. If you don’t understand him, there will be problems. Because Christ is not a person. It has nothing to do with Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary. Christ is a state of mind. If you love Christ, you will recognize Christ in me immediately.
To love Christ has nothing to do with being a Christian. It is a deep understanding of a certain state of consciousness. Christ is a state of consciousness, of silence, peace, bliss, of purity, innocence.

Look into my eyes and if you can see Christ, take sannyas. If you cannot see him, forget all about it. 

[She asks: If I accept you, am I accepting you as being the same? It’s not accepting one and rejecting the other?]

There is no rejection in religious life. Religion knows no rejection. If you accept me, you have accepted all those who have ever walked on the earth and have been religious – not only Christ but Buddha and Krishna also. 

Religion knows no rejection. The very idea of rejection is non-religious. There is no conflict between Buddha, Christ and me. The conflict arises because of the churches and the organizations and  the politics that goes on in the name of religion. Then there is conflict and even the Christ of the Protestants is different from the Christ of the Catholics. 

[She adds: If I take sannyas, do I have to promise to always wear orange because I’m afraid that I won’t keep it. I’m afraid to promise because I’d be afraid to break the promise.]

Then wait, because the promise is there.  

... Then wait, because any commitment should not be half-hearted. Once you commit yourself to me, you commit with your total heart. Then there is no problem about the future and what will happen and what you will do. That’s not a problem at all. This moment is enough unto itself. Don’t bother about the next moment. Who can say what will happen in the next moment? The next moment will be born out of this moment.

If you move deeply with me, your whole life, your whole future will be totally different. That very commitment will make such a great change, almost such a drastic change, radical, that you may fall in love, but you may fall in love with somebody other than whom you would have fallen if you were not committed to me. 

Your whole understanding, your whole attitude, your vision of life will change. There is more of a possibility that you will fall in love with a sannyasin. 

[She asks: But why do I have to wear orange?]

This is not the question. It is just that I am whimsical about it, eccentric [laughter]. ... Just see what I am saying. I’m not explaining anything. I’m saying I am whimsical. You can say that you have gone mad with this man and this man is very eccentric about orange. Everything in life need not be explained. We have no responsibility to explain anything to anybody. One can remain unexplained. And all that is deep is always unexplained. That which you can explain will be very superficial. 

There are things which you cannot explain.

If you fall in love with a person, how can you explain how you have fallen in love? Whatsoever you answer will look stupid – because of his nose, because of his face, because of his voice.... All that will not look worth mentioning, but there is something there in the person. These things may be in it, but that ’something’ is bigger than all. That something is more than the total.

So if you fall in love with me, I have a few eccentricities and you have to suffer them, mm? 

... Think about it... because to bring the future into the present is just a trick of the mind to postpone. Because who knows? Tomorrow you may die. Who knows about the future? I am not saying that in  the future you have to wear orange. It is you who is raising the question. I am saying that you have to be in orange right now. Future – who knows what happens? The future is not predictable. And I am not in any way trying to dominate your future; no, not at all.

It is you who is raising the question and you are raising it for a particular reason. The reason is to weigh some excuse, to postpone something that is arising in your heart... something that you are feeling deeply, but the mind is creating a distraction about the future.

 I’m not talking about tomorrow. I say be with me this moment and the next moment will come out of  it. Once you are in orange you may not like any other color ever, but that’s another thing. Once you are in orange you will not be the same, so who knows what you may decide later on? There is no need to be worried about it.

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose


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